Summer 2014
90-20 Rockaway Beach Blvd.
Panayiotis Terzis Tableaux II, 2014. Screenprint on shaped plexiglass. 45 x 39 inches
Panayiotis Terzis Gatekeeper, 2014. Screenprint on shaped plexiglass. 43 inches
Cherry on Top(less)
Haffendi Anuar, Ghost of a Dream, Carson Fisk-Vittori, Brian Kokoska, Joshua Saunders, Rachel Schmidhofer, Ryan Balir Sullivan
August 16th – August 31st, 2014
Opening Reception: Saturday, August 16th, 6–9 PM
Closing Reception: Saturday, August 30th, 6–9 PM
This show is a sham-wow. Oh, by Vince Offer? Yeah, but by Joshua Saunders too. Oh, from Austin? Yeah, the dude in the sequins hat. Did you know Vince got arrested for felony battery after an altercation with a 26 year-old prostitute? He said he struck the prostitute when she “bit his tongue and not let go.” Cool, you see Brian’s face? I did, its part of a painting. Is that Christmas tree painting part of a painting too? Yep, by a Jew. What the fuck is that purple thing? It’s art you dumb ass. I see smoke. Ugg, I know. Those paintings are some of the best in the universe right now. Cool universe. I know. And Carson Fisk-Vittori and Ghost of a Dream? The end. –Brent Birnbaum
Joshua Saunders Sham Wow, 2014. Sham Wow, stretcher bars
Ghost of a Dream Where the Frontier Ends and Begins, 2014. 5 Channel video installation from Western films, MDF, wiring.
Carson Fisk-Vittori Rain, light. Thunder heard during past hour but not now., 2013. Wood, lava rock, Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Fantasies.
Brian Kokoska Dirty Blonde (Lucky 7), 2014. Oil on canvas, plexiglass, clay, acrylic, kanekalon, felt, ponytail balls, synthetic lacing.
Haffendi Anuar Bubble Eye, 2014. Modeling foam, acrylic, gesso, castors, screws and Liquitex Resin San Gel.
Ryan Blair Sullivan Sfumato 5, 2013. Oil and carbon deposit on canvas
Rachel Schmidhofer Bowie, 2013. Oil on panel
Ryan Blair Sullivan Sfumato 11, 2013. Oil and carbon deposit on canvas
When Floods Slit the Hills
Jared Buckheister, Alex Ito, Izabelle New
July 26th – August 10th, 2014
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 26th, 6–9 PM
“During three straight days of heat without let-up, a storm lurked in the anxious stillness until finally drifting elsewhere, and then a gentle, almost cool warmth arrived to soothe the bright surface of things. So too, it sometimes happens in life that a soul weighed down by living suddenly feels relief, for no apparent reason… I see us a climates over which storms threaten, before breaking elsewhere… The empty immensity of things, the tremendous oblivion in the sky and on earth.” –Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet
Jared Buckhiester Squad A Position 1, 2014. Watercolor on paper.
Jared Buckhiester Squad A Position 2, 2014. Watercolor on paper.
Jared Buckhiester Squad A Position 3, 2014. Watercolor on paper.
Jared Buckhiester Squad A Position 5, 2014. Watercolor on paper.
Jared Buckhiester Squad A Position 6, 2014. Watercolor on paper.
Jared Buckhiester Squad A Position 4, 2014. Watercolor on paper.
Izabelle New lightness (cubby hole), 2014. Wax, marble, acrylic
Izabelle New longer is best, 2014. Acrylic, witches nail, marble, silicone, vinyl tubing, and artificial flower
Izabelle New OG (organic girl), 2014. Artificial plant, silicone, acrylic, acetate, and vinyl tubing
Izabelle New New Fashion, 2014. Gouache on paper
Izabelle New Dream, 2014. Wax and pigment
Alex Ito Blood Runs Thicker Than Water (imitating histories), 2014. Resin clay, glass, aluminum, plastic, plaster and digital vinyl print
Izabelle New Dream, 2014. Wax and pigment
Izabelle New Dream, 2014. Wax and pigment
Alex Ito I Don’t Want Your Future, 2014. Digital vinyl print, metal, plastic, aluminum, and paint.
Alex Ito Aku No Hana (build-a-bear), 2014.Resin clay, aluminum, glass, foam, fiberglass, plaster, plastic, dried leaf and digital vinyl print.
Jared Buckhiester House on Spring St., 2009. Watercolor on paper.
A Sphinx Has Lain Down Next to Me
Paul Demuro, Scott Gelber
July 5th – July 20th, 2014
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 5th, 6–9 PM
“A lion suddenly appears in this room, and we all are afraid; the fear has been caused by the image of the lion. But in dreams the reverse can occur. We feel depressed and then search for an explanation. I, absurdly but vividly, dream that a sphinx has lain down next to me. The sphinx is not my fear, it is an explanation of my feeling of oppression… People who have been frightened by imaginary ghosts have gone mad. On the other hand, a person who dreams a ghost can wake up and, within a few seconds, regain his composure.” –From Nightmares by Jorge Luis Borges
“I think about times I am uncomfortable, humiliated. I think about space and what it means. I think about light and how I experience it. I think about the information passed through light and space and how it affects me intellectually and psychologically.” –Paul DeMuro on painting
“As the inhuman begins to resemble the human—as dolls, robots, or computer generated characters approach realism—the observer’s empathy grows. But when the image hews closer to realism, the observer’s empathy sharply declines and is replaced by repulsion. When charted, this drastic dip in empathy is called The Uncanny Valley.” –Scott Gelber on UVHS
Paul DeMuro twilight, 2014. Oil on canvas.
Paul DeMuro faces, 2014. Oil on canvas.
Scott Gelber UVHS, 2014. HD video within wood, acrylic glass and steel sculpture. Edition of 1
Party’s Over
Caroline Wells Chandler, Andy Cross, Cindy Ji Hye Kim
June 14th – July 3rd, 2014
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 14th, 6–9 PM
The party’s over. The cat’s out of the bag.
We try to lick our elbows but the funny faces we make in the process take precedent over our pursuits. Don’t cry over spilt milk unless you’ve got a shoulder to cry on. We wonder why we so highly hold the parameters of a defunct yore as the conditional translations of that which we seek to develop. Well, one. Two, ten. Ready or not here we come. And that's the way the cookie's gonna crumble.